Federal Agency on Education
Development of the discrete dipole approximation to simulate light scattering by particles with arbitrary shape and
internal structure, sizes much larger than wavelength, and large refractive indices
Development of new methods in biological cell characterization including blood cells by means of polarization and spatial distribution of laser radiation scattered by the cells
A study of adsorption, absorption and aggregation of bio-colloids by means of dynamic flow cytometry
Study on protein dynamics in the nuclei of living cells by the use of FRAP technique

Carl Zeiss
Development of methods for identification and characterization of lymphocytes and stem cells from light scattering

The Russian Academy of Sciences
Light Scattering Tomography

Federal Agency on Science and Innovations
Polymer beads based biosensor for immunoassay of infections including high pathogenic viruses

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Technical exploitability and merchantability of the SFC Technology and the PSFC Technology and feasibility of the development and the commercialization of the Products

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Development of 3D technology for high resolution cell imaging in biophysical and medical studies